Where do I start?

Well, we made it safely to Florida but our stuff still hasn't made it. It's making for interesting living conditions as we sleep, sit and eat on an AeroBed. It's kind of like camping :) Yeah, that's what I tell myself anyway but really, it kinda sucks.
The house is nice and it has a big yard with a pond in front. I am assured that the pond is free of gators and that there is no way for them to get in. I'm just gonna go with that or my imagination runs away with me. All of the sudden, I'm picturing a huge gator who comes out at night, just waiting for us. In my mind, he runs up to me in the garage...that is highly unlikely so I just need to get over it. I'm hoping to go to the Alligator Farm in St. Augustine tomorrow. I think a little knowledge is exactly what I need.
Have I ever mentioned that I love lizards? I think they're cool. The pic above is a lizard that was in our garage and had just escaped Jenny's grasp. They start out bright green but change colors to match its background. We've even had one in the house.
We found a fabulous dog park which both Basil and Jenny love. It's the nicest one we've been to. The pic of me and the dogs was taken at the ocean...Basil loves it, Jenny really doesn't. She'll have to get over that b/c I plan on spending lots of time there.
Well, I'm off to the grocery store, scrapbook store, and dairy queen...for a new monster cookie blizzard.
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