Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Not Enough Time

It feels like there just aren't enough hours in the day to get everything done. And my life is very busy right now...lots of travel coming up, some of it last minute. The possible work thing. A move...where to we just don't know yet. Oh well, I can't control everything but I sure do try. So, I managed to take a bike ride tonight and I'm about to fit a shower in. Then, I need to throw some clothes in the dryer, read a bit for my exam, and throw some stuff together to pack. Breathe, just breathe. JT made dinner so that helped a great deal.

Oh, and I had a dream that I was pregnant and when I told JT, he totally freaked out and ran away :) I mentioned it to him and do you know what he said? "Yep, sounds 'bout right"...great ;)


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