where I'm going to live

Near the beach...isn't it beautiful? This was taken on a cloudy day. It was quite fact, I needed a sweater but it was still beautiful. Today, on my way to the dog park, which is pretty much where I live, I was thinking about this move. Thinking about how we moved 8 times since 2001. Now, that might not seem like a lot but I lived in the same house for nearly 20 years and JT only moved once as a child. So, for us, it's a lot, but we're getting pretty good at it :) So, although I'm not looking forward to packing, loading and unloading (yes, we are doing this move ourselves), I am looking forward to being about 20 miles from the beach. It's my dream coming true. I'm looking forward to the dogs' reaction when they first experience the ocean. I'm looking forward to a slower pace of living, a lower cost of living, and a laid back place to be. I'm looking forward to the fragrance of the seems like the fragrance was always there. So, I'm sure I'm fantasizing a bit and there are things about the area I won't like (snakes) but I know that God put us on this path and I am grateful for it.
Now, I'm off to scrapbook a bit and relax for most of the evening. I'm traveling again tomorrow so hopefully I will be well-rested.
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