Thursday, October 12, 2006

Matching shoes are overrated

So, today I wore two completely different shoes to work! black, one brown, and both had different heel heights. And I didn't even realize it until I walked into the elevator. Fortunately, my coworker had a clean pair of socks, which I promptly put on my feet and proceeded to tell everyone that my feet were cold - whatever works and keeps me from looking like a nut. I think I need a vacation. Or at least a good nights sleep.

Jenny kept me up most of the night. She wanted out at 11pm, 1:30am, then barked for 30 minutes, up again at 3:00am (JT let her out that time). She better sleep tonight or she might find herself in the back room with the door closed. I'm pretty sure she just wants to play and chase whatever not-so-furry woodland creature might be outside.

I'm off to Alaska on Saturday and I seem to be more anxious than normal. I think it's the idea of being on one plane for 9 hours...not to mention the other 5 hours of travel time. The plane will be big, which I like, but I think I'm worried I'll get bored or uncomfortable and then I'll just have to deal with it. Guess my carry-on will be packed to brim. I did have to dig out my winter coat, scarf and gloves - that was fun :)

Ok, off to check the clothes in the dryer, work on my packing list, and set the DVD recorder to tape Grey's Anatomy...because I plan to be asleep by the time it comes on.


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