Lovely Trip

Had a wonderful trip to Wisconsin. The wedding was absolutely beautiful...perfect day, perfect setting, perfect couple, great food. We did miss out on the wedding cake though. Annette was the perfect date ;) Spent time with cousins, aunts and uncles, godparents, friends, parents...everyboday.
I thought I was going to be home until mid-October when I go to Alaska but I guess not. Just found out about a meeting I need to attend next week in D.C. Still have to book the travel for both trips. Then, at the end of the month, I need to be in two places at once - or close to it anyway. JT is not a happy camper. I think I better find a way to stay home until after the holidays, except the occassional trip to Panama City.
Ok, still have some things to do before bed. I'm tired so I better get on it.
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