Time to Think

Well, I'm still not over this sinus infection. It took me out of work for two days this week and while the antibiotic has taken its tole on my body, it barely seems to have touched the infection. Ah well, at least I was able to go to work today. Feels good to be a functioning human being.
So, while I was spending time in bed at home, I started watching reruns of 7th Heaven. This part happened to be about their oldest daughter Mary, who is spiraling out of control. I've been there...been the spinning child who just can't seem to get it together or even acknowledge that there is something wrong. It was like a disassociative episode. Fortunately, like the show, my parents came and pulled me back and got me help. I cried more than once watching the episodes, especially when I think about my parents and what they were going through. I don't think I ever really thanked them properly but I think they know how grateful I am. It's because of them that I got back on track...got my Bachelor's AND my Master's and have gone on to be a strong, healthy woman. So, thank you!
On a happy note, I found some puppy pictures of Basil while I was sick and decided to scan them in. The quality isn't great but they're all I have so I love them. I can't believe he turned 3 on August 1st.
In other exciting news...I'm going to Wisconsin for a long weekend in September. My friend is getting married :)
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