These Two...

can get into a lot of trouble, very quickly. They've been a handful since JT went back to work. I expected this but tonight, I lost my cool...and yes, I feel guilty about it. I think I need a break.
During this week, they have gotten into a box of vitamins, doggy pain meds, prenatal vitamins, the garbage (with glass!), up onto the counter to doggy joint vitamins, and dog treats. Jenny has stolen JT's glasses and thrown up (not the glasses). Of course, the missing glasses had both JT and I up at 2:30 AM to look for them. Tonight, they were being more active than usual. This always happens on night when JT is tired and barely capable of helping me out. So, I took them for a drive...around the neighboorhood, then to the gas station. Everything was going fine until I let them out of the car. Then they took off across the field, across a dirt road (!), and into the neighboor's yard. So, I called, angrily, for them to come. Whenever that fails, I always go pick up (literally) the dog that won't come and bring them back to where I called them from. This time is was Basil. So, I picked him up like I've done a bunch of times and proceeded to step into a hole and twist my ankle...and drop Basil! He hit the ground and let out a yelp. He must have tweaked his bad knee and wouldn't put any wieght on it. I instantly started apologizing and lovin' on him...while Jenny found a place in their yard to take a dump. So, after she finished, I picked her up and carried her a little while. After I put her down, she started to dawdle but one sharp "come" seemed to get her back on track. So here the three of us are...limping and dawdling our way back to the house, where JT was asleep! That didn't last long because I slammed the door, told him what happened, then made my way back across the field to pick up the poop. Oh yeah, and as I picked up the poop...the fire ants decided to try me on for size (I won). The dogs and I made up quickly, Basil is fine, and JT is sleeping...ah, my not-so-perfect family. I just wish I could always stay cool and calm no matter what was happening or how much I hurt myself. Alas, that's just not me...good thing JT has the patience of a saint :)
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