Not much...
to say and not much going on. Keep thinking about doing some scrapbooking or baking but I can't seem to get off my hinder. Guess I'm just trying to recouperate after all my travel. Yep, got home on Friday and was off again on Monday. Now I'm here until mid-Sept, I hope. Work remains busy and it's going to get busier. One of my staff resigned and I'm going to just fill her spot for the time being. The pups and I had fun at the dog park this weekend. It rained quite a bit so the lake was up. Jenny also mananged to get the bag of treats off the counter some time last night. You should see her belly - it's FAT :) She hasn't been moving much except to chase lizards. Which, by the way, have appeared in large numbers all of the sudden. Maybe it was the rain. I really like lizards and we have a few types here, very cool :) So, I need to go check on the laundry and make some cookies...I think ;) I leave you with a picture of a snake...a rat snake to be exact (not venomous) we're cool. My theory is that, if it can't hurt me, JT, or the dogs and it takes care of other yucky things - then I will remain calm.

ETA: I did actually scrap and bake cookies :) And now, I can't sleep.
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