Monday, September 11, 2006


Five years later, but I still remember...

I was living and working in Milwaukee, WI at the time. I remember I was running around the office trying to get stuff done when some told me that a plane had hit the WTC. Our VP had cable tv in his office so we all gathered round. We watched the second plane hit, we watched the towers collapse, we watched the pentagon get hit and the plane go down in PA.

I remember feeling out of control and helpless. I tried to reach my mom because we live about 20 miles from Hoover Dam, which has always been on the top 10 terrorist target list (we still had a working bomb siren and tested it regularly). I was so relieved when she finally answered.

I was in a daze all day (well, all week actually). I watched TV for the next three days straight. I couldn't believe how many of my coworkers came to work the next day like nothing had happened.


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