Wednesday, March 22, 2006

The Switch is On

JT and I have very strange work schedules. I work in HR which means there is no "slow" season although I'm usually busiest during the holiday season. JT works in irrigation which means that he is really slow during the winter and super busy during the spring, summer, and fall. I get so spoiled during his slow season...he gets home before me and takes the dogs out for a nice long walk, picks up the mail, makes dinner often. It always takes me a few weeks to get used to the switch of him coming home anytime between 5 and 8pm. It means all the evening responsibilities are mine. There is a silver lining though :) I no longer have to take the dogs out for the last walk of the evening. I hate that I get all my "work" done, start to relax, take a bath/shower, then I have to get all geared up to take them out in the cold, dark night. I also tend to be more easily spooked in the dark. So, here's hoping that I can remember how much I dislike the nighttime walks when the other responsibilities seem overwhelming.

Short, boring post, but it's all I've got right now :) I am working on a gift book for my Dad & Stepmom's anniversary but seem to be procrastinating. I also need to keep reading my "Before Your Pregnancy" book. I'm just sooo tired lately and I'm not sure why. Maybe I'll go to bed early tonight :)


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