Travel, Books and Movies

Just got back from my most recent work trip in San Antonio. I actually got home a day earlier than expected so that's cool. Only problem is, I am always exhausted after traveling. It doesn't matter how much sleep I get on the evening I get home, I'm always tired. So, that's the perfect time to plop down on the couch and read and watch a movie.
Just finished Conversations with Dog (read most of it on the planes rides). I like this's written by an animal communicator who asks questions of dogs. Even if you don't believe in this kind of thing, the responses are funny, insightful, and inspiring. Basil and I saw an animal communicator after his first knee surgery. He was only 10 months and couldn't burn off any energy so I thought it would be a way to get us out of the house without risking injury to Basil. I figured at worst, it couldn't hurt :) It was an interesting experience...she got some amazing things right and some stuff was right but "anyone could have guessed it". The thing that stuck with me was this answer, "I came that way". She said she was going to ask me how he injured his knee but her communication transferred to him and he answered before she could ask me. It's true, his knee surgeries are mainly due to a congenital defect (straight knees) although there was a trauma event before each one totally blew.
Also got to watch Independence Day. I love this movie, I watch it every time it comes on. I could never really figure out why until this evening. It has everything...funny, inspiring, exciting, sad, joyful. I just love movies and books that can provide such a wide range of entertainment. This movie really takes me outside my everyday life because I get so engrossed in it.
Anyway, I just got a quick burst of energy and I'm off to tidy up a bit.
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