Thursday, March 02, 2006


My brain seems to be on overload. I don't really have anything interesting going on but that's ok. I like having daily stuff to do. Lots of stuff going on at work...things I've never done before so I'm excited about that. Also looks like I'll be going to one of my favorite sites in April :) If I have to travel, it's nice to like where I'm going. It's looking like I'm going to be traveling at least once a month for a while.

I took some time yesterday afternoon to do some training with Basil and Jenny. Basil is an amazing animal...very smart and patient, quick to learn. But, I've worked hard with him and we've been through a lot together (he's had two knee surgeries). Jenny is also smart and amazing but doesn't learn as quickly. She's such a laid back dog but man, when she gets excited (like over treats) look out! So far this week, we've worked on "play dead" and "roll over". She's got "play dead" down. So, yesterday, I took them outside on leash one at a time and worked on "heel". Basil does this very well once you ask him to. I actually worked on off-leash heeling with him...he did well but I was never without treats. I also worked on "stay" with him off leash...we need to concentrate on that command a bit. I also worked with Jenny on "heel" and while she was a bit overexcited to get the treat, she did a really good job. By the end of the 10 minutes, she was heeling w/o jumping/reaching for the treat. We also worked a bit on "stay". Nothing off-leash for her yet. I love taking the time out to work with really helps our relationship and bonding. I also love playing with them but training helps me be a responsible owner.

Got a lot of scrapbook projects floating around in my mind but it's overwhelming. I keep thinking of new things but that means buying more supplies. This is something I really need to work on. I think I better sit down and make a list of what I really want to do and what I'll really be able to accomplish. Most of the projects involve mini-scrapbooks for gifts.

Also thinking about how I need to get in touch with a couple of friends, how I need to record all my family and friends birthdays, anniversaries, etc. I'm not so good at remembering stuff. Heck, I can barely remember JT's birthday ;) I did get some things off my to-do list so I'm happy about that. I'm off to finish the book I'm reading (Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil) OR to begin reorganizing my scrap room. I'm also thinking about going to a crop tomorrow night. Ugh...too much thinking, not enough doing.


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