We're Packed!

Well, as much as we can be at this point. We still need some basic stuff to get through the night. All told it will take four pieces of checked luggage :) And I'm guessing that one or more of our pieces will be overweight and we'll have to pay extra money. You see, we're traveling to the West Coast of Canada and we live on the East Coast (mid-atlantic) and we're going skiing. This means that we have regular clothes AND ski clothes for each day. There is actually a bit of room in each of the suitcases and some of the stuff we're bringing will be gone before we return. I'm really hoping we'll have room for the stuff we buy...either that or we'll have to ship it back.
I've been feeling pretty good today, not too anxious. I will be hungry for dinner which is a good thing :) We don't have to leave for the airport until 10am so I won't feel rushed in the morning. I think I'll take the dogs to the kennel around 8:30am...I'm still trying to figure out how much food to pack and how to pack it. I think I'll figure three cups per day, maybe less. I might just stop and buy a smaller bag of dog food to bring with them. I also pack a scent item (t-shirt I've slept in for a few days), a few soft toys for them to sleep with, and treats. The kennel provides the bedding, which is fabulous.
Ok, well, I need to call my mom then pick up the dogs, and then I'll shave and shower and try to rest for the remainder of the evening. Oh, remember that 12" of snow we got? Yea, it's now pretty much all gone. It was 64 degrees today :) I'm really beginning to appreciate Northern VA more because the weather is so moderate...some cold days, some hot days, but nothing I can't handle. Ok, I'm really off now. Not sure if I'll post while we're vacationing...I made a honeymoon journal so I'll probably write in there. Take care...
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