Good Stuff

Ok, I know the pictures are a bit fuzzy b/c this room is dark and our camera isn't the greatest but this is the best part about having dogs. I just love it when they cuddle and this is a full-on Basil cuddle. He's taken to sitting in my lap while looking out the window as I'm scratching him :) It's just amazing to have that truly unconditional love given.
Been busy these past few days but I'm looking forward to a slower weekend. We met with the seller of our townhome and we're not sure we're going to be able to meet his price but we sure are gonna try. This would just be a perfect place to start the rest of our lives.
I went out to dinner with JT tonight and we had a lot of fun while eating shrimp at Applebee's. It can't compare to Savannah's shrimp but then I'm not really sure anything can. It was nice to sit and talk and laugh. My anxiety often makes it difficult for me to eat out but I've really been doing better with that lately. Love spending time together and connecting.
Well, JT went out for a few beers with his friends and it's a beautiful 65 degree evening so I'm off to take the pups on a nice stroll through the neighboorhood.
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