I feel less overwhelmed today. Not really sure why but that's ok with me :) I finished the book I was reading just a few minutes ago...Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil.

Yea, I know I'm a little slow on the uptake but I just didn't think this book would be as good as it was. I think I'll get his new one when it's available on paperback. It feels so good to finish a book. Heck, it feels good to read for fun. Now, I know that it's been over a year since I graduated with my Master's but I feel like I have so much "normal" reading to catch up on.
Let's see, I did some training with the dogs tonight but it was pretty short. Basil did very well with off-leash heeling and the stay commands. Jenny did well on-leash heeling and with stay. Tomorrow morning we're going to the dog park for the first time in 3 weeks. We all love it there and they get tired out :)
Finally, tomorrow is my best friend's birthday. We live quite far apart (over 900 miles) so I won't get to see her but I will talk to her on the phone. The only bummer is that I bought her present in Canada and it still hasn't gotten here yet.

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