Back from Alaska

And back on the road again today. That's right, less than a week at home this time. I'm off to TX until Friday evening, home for the weekend, then out to NJ on Sunday night. Then I'm done until mid-November. So, as with any day of a flight, I'm feeling anxious. Gonna have to start getting ready in about 30 minutes, maybe 15 :)
So, Alaska was beautiful and the meetings were great. Not sure if I mentioned it but there was a very small earthquake while I was there. I was laying in bed when it started to move a bit. I knew it was an earthquake but I tried to convince myself it was a truck, meanwhile I was looking for the closest door jam to get under. But, it turned out to be very minor.
I'm also posting a few pics of Basil at the beach. I can't believe how much he loves it there.
Ok, I better start getting ready soon so I'm off...take care.
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