Wednesday, September 27, 2006

In the airport

Yup, big surprise, I'm at the airport again. This time on the way to D.C. for a Corporate Meeting. I hadn't planned on attending this one but when the top HR person says you should go, you go. So glad that we can finally take small liquids on the plane. Even more excited that I don't have to toss my $3.00 bottle of water that I bought past security. I had two TSA agents tell me how pleased they were that I knew exactly what the new regs were when I packed my liquids. I did mail my larger liquids, like face wash and lotion, to the hotel where I'm staying and I'll have a coworker mail them back to me. Never before have I been so pleased that I have two of for travel makes for easy packing, now it means that I don't have to worry about when I get it back.

Not feeling really great today but I'm pretty sure it's mostly After this trip, I'm home for two whole weeks before I head to Alaska, then home for a week and back out again, then home for two weeks and back out again AND THAT BETTER BE IT FOR A WHILE :) It's difficult to get things done, possible but difficult, from the road.

Ok, better hit the restroom again. Wish I could just strap myself in to the restroom on the plane and fly in there the whole time ;)

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Happy 1st Anniversary!

to us :) That's right, one year ago today, we celebrated our love with our friends and family. It was a beautiful day and we had a great time! JT sent 18 roses to work on Friday and I have a gift for him tonight. Although, I think he already knows what it is...that's just like him. I really should give up on trying to surprise him :) We're going to The Tree Steakhouse for dinner (and I might even have some dessert). For now, enjoy the pictures...I hope to convince him to let me take one today.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Lovely Trip

Had a wonderful trip to Wisconsin. The wedding was absolutely beautiful...perfect day, perfect setting, perfect couple, great food. We did miss out on the wedding cake though. Annette was the perfect date ;) Spent time with cousins, aunts and uncles, godparents, friends, parents...everyboday.

I thought I was going to be home until mid-October when I go to Alaska but I guess not. Just found out about a meeting I need to attend next week in D.C. Still have to book the travel for both trips. Then, at the end of the month, I need to be in two places at once - or close to it anyway. JT is not a happy camper. I think I better find a way to stay home until after the holidays, except the occassional trip to Panama City.

Ok, still have some things to do before bed. I'm tired so I better get on it.

Monday, September 11, 2006


Five years later, but I still remember...

I was living and working in Milwaukee, WI at the time. I remember I was running around the office trying to get stuff done when some told me that a plane had hit the WTC. Our VP had cable tv in his office so we all gathered round. We watched the second plane hit, we watched the towers collapse, we watched the pentagon get hit and the plane go down in PA.

I remember feeling out of control and helpless. I tried to reach my mom because we live about 20 miles from Hoover Dam, which has always been on the top 10 terrorist target list (we still had a working bomb siren and tested it regularly). I was so relieved when she finally answered.

I was in a daze all day (well, all week actually). I watched TV for the next three days straight. I couldn't believe how many of my coworkers came to work the next day like nothing had happened.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

5 years

I can't believe it's been five years since September 11, 2001. And for some reason, I'm way more emotional this year than in years past. Maybe its all the additional press. Right now I'm watching Tom Brokaw and the air traffic controllers discuss what happened during that day. It's amazing what these folks went through on that day. They are heros too. They managed to get all those planes out of the air simple task.

They aren't showing the complete footage of the impact with the towers. They cut it just before impact and then show the burning building. I know this brings back bad memories for many, but I don't ever want to forget so I want to see it. I still wonder how many planes had hijackers on board that backed out or gave up, never to be caught.

I'm sure I'll have more to say on Monday. For now, I'm going back to this news program.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

A game they play

So, Jenny and Basil have this game they play on a daily basis. I don't have any pics because they're running so fast. It starts out with Jenny on the sand pile just inside the rim of the pond. Basil waits on the outer edge...

Jenny starts digging then BAM - she's off. She runs around the inner edge while Basil "chases" her from the outer edge. They run from one end to the other, always meeting in the sand pile, back and forth about 5 times. And they're both exhausted when they're done. That's the best part :)

Friday, September 01, 2006

Change is a good thing


I am so tired today. I haven't slept well all week and neither has JT although we're not sure why. Anyway, my change (no, I'm not pregnant :)

I met with a new psychiatrist now that we've moved and I learned that the anxiety/panic medication that they have me on. Turns out that the med I've been on for the past 8 years now has better, safer alternatives. So, I'm open to change and we begin our discussion about options. We're TTC so it's very important that I know as much about my meds as possible and risks to a fetus. The doc said that the ideal situation is not to be on any meds. Well, that's kind of obvious. So, I relay the reason I'm still on meds. My OB, psych, and myself (in Virginia) decided that it could actually be better for me to be on the lowest dose rather than completely off. But, with this new information, my new doc prescribed a different med. Then, it occurred to would be the perfect time to try to go off meds all together. So, that's what we decided. I have filled the script just in case, but I'm going to try no meds - one day at a time - and see how it goes. Worst case...I take the new meds.

So, JT is on the watch for any major changes...just in case I don't recognize it. I'm pretty aware of my anxiety cycle and I know how to recognize it and when to ask for help. The doc also said that I may even lose some weight w/o meds or even on the new med. That would just be icing on the cake :)

I'm actually thinking about going back to Weight Watchers and trying the "Core" plan. I think it might help me be less addicted to sugar and lose weight. I'd also like to find some exercise. I'm not sure if that'll be a gym or a dance class. Who knows? but I'm getting to the point where I just can't take it anymore.

Ok, Basil is a whiny baby tonight - well, really every night - so I'm going to let him out one more time tonight.