And what fun we had. We got back from our honeymoon at about 2am on Saturday morning. Whistler was absolutely beautiful and we took about 150 pictures. Yes, I already had them printed at Costco :) Now, I just need to burn CDs of the pictures for our families. I made them a CD of our wedding pictures and put it in a cute sarabinder. They can just add the new CD to that binder. Who knew it would come in handy. So, it's Monday, we've unpacked, cleaned the house (damn that feels good), and tryed to "reset" our clocks. I took today off because I knew I wouldn't be ready to work fully. I've got a busy week ahead of me with lots to do and many pressing issues. Hopefully, it will be challenging and fun...I'm so tired of being bored and frustrated at work. I spent today running around with the dogs and spent way too much money on scrapbook supplies for the honeymoon scrapbook...but everything I got was 25% off so I still feel like I scored. Took Basil & Jenny to the dog park for about 40 minutes (the dog park is simply a part of our life). I'd have like to stay longer but it's COLD outside, as cold as it was in Canada.
So...what did we do in Whistler? John skied everyday nearly all day. I took four lessons but never got off the training hill :) I didn't fall too much and I had fun learning. We went out to dinner everynight then walked through the quaint village arm in arm...so romantic. We ate at some ok places, some good places, and one gourmet meal. I had so much fun eating out and didn't have much anxiety which is amazing! After our walk, we'd stop by the Starbucks near the hotel for a hot chocolate. We both had reflexology massages (yeah...they were necessary because our feet and legs were so sore) and I went in the hot tub nearly every day. The only disappointing part was that I never got good enough to ski with John. John was super supportive and patient. He had an absolutely wonderful time!
The scenery was beautiful, gorgeous, amazing...God's work. The best scenery was on the bus ride from the hotel to the airport - we drove along the coast...oceans with snowcapped mountains and waterfalls...too cool. Unfortunately, I didn't get any pictures because the bus was moving pretty quickly and the windows were dirty. I did get a few pictures at the airport...there is just beauty everywhere there.
The dogs were boarded at the same place they have doggy day care so they played all day long. I picked them up around 9am on Saturday. They were so happy to see me (and later to see John). They needed baths, which they got last night and they were tired. They slept all day Saturday, only waking to go to the bathroom, and most of the day Sunday. We only had to take them to the pond for about 30 mintues to tire them out. Today, they are still a bit tired but much more back to themselves. Basil lost quite a bit of weight because he doesn't eat much when we're gone. I'm sure that if a vet saw him, they'd think we were underfeeding him :) He is making up for it though...getting lots of treats (from both of us) and eating about 4-6 cups of food each day. We don't feed our dogs on a schedule...they always have full bowls of food available to them. Now, we do this because neither of them has anything
close to a weight problem and they only eat until they are full. We're very lucky in this respect. But, I digress.
So, we're home - happy, safe and sound. I'm off to make steaks, asparagus, and red potatoes for dinner.