Save 1.800.SUICIDE
Got this link from It's important...and all you have to do is click the link to email government, the rest is filled in for you.

My journal about me, my DH, and our two dogs.
Got this link from It's important...and all you have to do is click the link to email government, the rest is filled in for you.
Interesting documentary about a shelter that practices euthanization in a human way. Of course, adoption is their goal and they don't always have a "set" timeframe for adopting out before euthanizing.
JT's got a job! So, that means no more daily visits to the dog park for Basil and Jenny. It also means that I'm going to have to start pitching in more around here. It's kind of a mixed blessing. I really enjoy JT being home...for purely selfish reasons of course :) It means I have more time b/c I don't have to cook, clean, or exercise the dogs every day. But, things will be going back to normal. JT needs a challenge, he needs to work. And this job should be fairly easy, mostly inside, and only 50 hours a week. I'm used to 60-70 hours a week so we'll take it. Of course, the money doesn't hurt either. Now, it's time to really nail the debt and start focusing on buying a house.